Body Fat Reality Check

So I applied and was chosen for a 8 week local weight loss/fitness challenge with Kin’s Market in association with the BC Cancer Society. I was so excited to be chosen, for a few reasons.  The first is I need to lose weight.  Second you get free veggies, and the third is there is going to be some sort of grand prize, (last year’s challenger won a cruise).  I LOVE challenges….LOVE them.  I am also very competitive, so I am very stoked that I am going to win. 

Yesterday I had to have a full body scan to determine my body fat %, lean muscle and bone density.  While I knew that I had a higher percentage of body fat…as made apparent by my black wardrobe and abundance of stretchy pants.  I was not prepared for the actual number.  I thought “Oh I’m probably 38%…yeah that sounds about right.”

I was wrong…really, really wrong.

42.9%…42.9% people!!! What the hell body, why you gotsa play me like that!

Look at that number…I did, and have been since the scan yesterday.  I’m almost half fat, and I discovered my bones only weight 5.3 lbs.  So  my hopes that my Grandma was right when she said I was ‘big boned’, were dashed to the floor. Those dreams and my somewhat svelte-er 38% body fat façade were obliterated yesterday at 1:30 pm.

Well onwards and upwards.  My body scan read stated that I was 190.3 and my scale this morning told me I was 188.8, so that’s exciting (I hope you sense the sarcasm).  I am tracking with My Fitness Pal and use the protein/fat/carb percentages I was told to use yesterday by Mr. Scan/Dream-Dasher…Mr. DD for short. I’m familiar with tracking, just need to be consistent with it. Send me positive ‘fit’ vibes…I’m going to need it!

I am certain I am going to win this, not only for the awesome  prize, but more importantly for my awesome thighs…


7 responses

  1. You are fantastic just the way you are but I am excited to watch your exciting journey to self improvement in whatever form it takes. Best wishes for this adventure and please know I am behind you all the way. Go Nicole Go!


  2. Beautiful writing my daughter. You have inspired me as usual…..I almost ate vegetable 2 days in a row. A body scan is a good thing though…also showing bone density, etc. I am going to book one today, I’ll have to get the number from you. Quick question though, is there an ice cream shop nearby??? I’ll need some place to go over the scan, look at my numbers, wipe away the tears.. Seriously though, I am proud of you, kick butt in the challenge, I can’t wait to hear how all four of you do on the Sun Run…….another challenge that I am proud to see my kids conquer!!


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